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Cataract Eye Surgery

Cataract Micro incision phacoemulsification surgery with premium mono-focal IOLs, Multifocal IOLs, toric IOLs

Cataract is a condition characterized by clouding or opacification of the eye lens.

Most people notice that their vision gradually deteriorates – objects may begin to look dull, yellow, hazy, blurred or distorted.Some people also report:

  • Double vision, or polyopia (objects appearing multiple)
  • Haloes and glare at night
  • Need of more light to see clearly
  • Increasing nearsightedness.
  • In advanced cases, the cataract may be visible as a whitish-looking pupil.
  • Have some doubts? Come visit us! Book an appointment here.

Types of lens at Vatsal eye care | Cataract Treatment in Vasai

The only approved treatment for cataract is surgery with lens replacement. This is one of the commonest surgeries performed all over the world. It is safe and effective. The cataractous lens is removed and replaced with a clear lens which restores your vision.

Cataract surgery is considered one of the safest and most effective of all medical procedures. The virtually painless procedure usually takes 15-30 minutes. The surgeon makes a small incision at or near the cornea and removes the cloudy or inflexible lens. The new lens (IOL) is then inserted into its permanent position.

The most advanced type of surgical procedure – and the one performed at Vatsal eye care – is called phacoemulsification, which does not require needles or stitches.
With this advanced technique the affected lens is removed and replaced with an IOL. Clear vision is restored and the eye heals rapidly. More than 97% of patients who undergo phacoemulsification experience no complications at all.

Patients can usually return to their normal activities the following day.

Usually, when you start having difficulty doing your daily activities you need to have cataract surgery.If you’re having trouble reading, watching TV, or driving, it’s time to talk to your eye surgeon about what can be done.Modern cataract surgery can be performed successfully and safely in any season including summers and the rainy season.

Contrary to popular myth a cataract does not have to be “ripe” before it is removed.
You should consider having surgery if cataracts make it hard for you to see well
enough to do the things you enjoy.

Depending on your needs, you can talk to your doctor about advanced-technology lenses that not only correct cataracts but also other vision issues. If you know you have astigmatism, then a toric advanced-technology lens that can correct both your cataract and astigmatic power may be your best option for seeing distant things clearly. If you have difficulty seeing things close up due to presbyopia, there are also lenses available to help you see more clearly without relying much on reading glasses. Or even if you have astigmatism and presbyopia at the same time, there are lenses which can help you.These are often referred to as:

  • Toric IOLs : correct astigmatism and cylindrical power to help you see distant objects clearly
  • Multifocal IOLs : enable the person to see near(read) as well as provide distance (driving) and intermediate (computer vision) vision
  • Multifocal toric IOLs : correct astigmatism to provide clearer distance (driving) vision and correct presbyopia for intermediate and near vision


  • Monofocal IOL:
    1. Good vision for distance without glasses.
    2. The Aspheric monofocal lens gives you better contrast especially in dim light conditions, and less glare and halos.
    3. Con: You will have to wear glasses for near work (reading and computers).
  • Toric IOL – Pro:
    1. For correcting significant cylindrical power.
    2. Sharp Distance vision without glasses.
    3. Con: You will have to wear glasses for near work (reading and computers).
  • Multifocal IOL – PRo:
    1. Good vision for distance and near without glasses.
    2. Problem of glare and haloes at night Con: For very fine print a reading aid may still be needed
  • Extended Depth Of Focus IOL Pro :
    1. Good vision for distance and computer vision without glasses.
    2. Lower chance of glare and haloes at night
    3. Con: For near vision a reading aid may be needed
  • Trifocal IOL: Pro:
    1. Latest Multifocal IOL’s
    2. Good vision for distance, computer vision and near without glasses.
    3. Lower chance of glare and haloes at night
    4. Better light transmission
    5. Con: For very fine print a reading aid may be needed.

Immediately after cataract surgery
Before you leave the day surgery, you will be prescribed eye drops or other medication to prevent infection, reduce inflammation and control eye pressure. You will need to have a family member or friend with you to take you home. Once you get home, it is recommended that you rest your eyes and nap. Several hours post surgery, most people are able to watch some television or look at a computer screen for a short period of time. Because cataract surgery is only performed on one eye at a time, you may notice an imbalance in your vision until the second eye is operated on (from 1–4 weeks later).

Days after cataract surgery
It is normal for vision to be blurry in the beginning – your eye needs to heal and adjust. Vision will normally begin to improve within a few days of the surgery. It’s also normal for your eye to feel itchy and to experience mild discomfort for a couple of days – your doctor will ask you to wear an eye patch or protective shield at night to ensure you don’t rub your eye while you sleep. This discomfort should disappear after a few days.

Weeks after cataract surgery
While everyone is different, the average experience for the weeks following cataract surgery involves a gradual recovery of the eye. Adjustments in vision will occur for a few months after surgery.

Tips for post cataract surgery
Although most people can resume everyday activities 24 hours after cataract surgery, there are a few instructions that you will be asked to follow. They include:

  1. Don’t do any strenuous activities for a few weeks.
  2. Avoid rigorous exercise and heavy lifting.
  3. Don’t drive. The length of time after cataract surgery before you can drive depends on a number of factors – your doctor will tell you when it is safe to resume driving.
  4. Follow your doctor’s orders regarding any antibiotic and anti-inflammatory eye drops. These are important to prevent infection and inflammation and ensure proper healing. If you have difficulty in administering them, get a friend or family member to help you out.
  5. Stay away from dusty areas. It’s a great idea to have your house vacuumed and cleaned before surgery, as your eyes will be sensitive to airborne allergens such as dust.
  6. Don’t rub your eye. Eye rubbing is a quick way to develop a nasty infection. It’s never a good idea, even when you aren’t recovering from surgery.
  7. Don’t swim. It’s best to avoid swimming or hot tubs for a week after surgery.
  8. Don’t wear make-up. Ask your doctor when you can resume doing so.
  9. Do not take head bath upto 1 week after surgery.

Symptoms to watch for after cataract surgery
If you experience any of the following symptoms, please contact your ophthalmologist:

  • Vision loss
  • Pain that persists despite the use of over-the-counter pain medications
  • Light flashes or multiple spots (floaters) in front of your eye,
  • Redness & discharge from eye
    Nausea, vomiting or excessive coughing

1 Comment

  • by
    Vatsal Eye Care

    Mr Rasiklal Bahua
    My dad was suffering for cataract since very long time, His vision had become limited to close to 4-5 ft distance only. With the help of doctor Pritam within two days he operated my dad and on the fourth day my dad was riding two wheeler on his own without any problem..
    Also my dad is very happy as Dr Pritam is very efficient and light with his hands.

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